Prevent Gravity Forms Notifications from Getting Stuck in Your Spam Folder (Easily)

So your website is all set up to generate you tons of leads… Rad! Unfortunately, your contact form submissions are getting stuck in your spam folder (not rad).

I use Gravity Forms on all my sites, but this issue can arise from any form plugin because WordPress uses PHP to send mail.

The best solution is probably to send email over SMTP. But that is a bit of a chore, and will probably require you to sign up for a SendGrid (or similar) subscription service. Not a biggy, but when you build lots of sites like I do, it’s sort of a bummer.

Here’s an alternative:

  1. Go to your Gmail inbox and click the little ‘down-arrow’ located on the right side of the search box.
  2. In the ‘From’ field, put the email address that is used by your form (in Gravity Forms, this is found in the form’s Notification settings – Note that there is a difference between ‘from’ and ‘reply-to’).
  3. Click on ‘Create a filter with this search >>’
  4. Check the ‘Never send it to Spam’ box and then ‘Create filter’

That oughtta’ do it. Good luck!

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